Investor Services

We provide pre-screened and curated deal-flow for Cleantech investors looking to deploy capital into early stage technology ventures

Greenbackers Showcase

Our online deal room showcases our latest client ventures actively raising Seed and Series A and B Funding. This is pre-screened, curated and investment-ready dealflow, accessible via a secure, “consume on demand” platform, which can streamline your deal origination process and increase efficiency. Opportunities for syndication are also available.

Greenbackers Pitches and Roundtables

Our invitation-only pitch and roundtable events where CEO/Founders deliver live funding pitches and are available for one-to-one meetings with investors.

Greenbackers investor service pitch from technology ventures
Greenbackers team working with investors on a customised search campaign

Customised Search Campaigns

Our bespoke service on behalf of investors seeking to research and deep dive into specific cleantech themes or technologies. We can save you time and money.