Press Releases

Glasgow fintech Greenbackers announces backing, ambition to unlock billions in Net-Zero private capital

Launches ground-breaking deal platform – with over $25 billion in funds [05 April 2023, Glasgow] Net-Zero, climate and cleantech funding specialists Greenbackers Investment Capital announced the close of their first private funding round. The six-figure equity investment will allow Greenbackers to expand their fintech service offering in Scotland and beyond. This initial round was backed […]

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Greenbackers’ Andrew Smith joins the panel at the European Blue Forum Official Launch Event

Andrew takes part in session 2 – What does a fossil fuel free Sustainable Blue Economy look like? How can we as a community support this transition? 11:40 am – 13:10 pm | 26 May 2023 Océanopolis, Brest, France As a part of the European Blue Forum, we are creating Europe’s Blue community. A community […]

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How To


How (NOT) to make a video pitch for cleantech investment!

Robert Hokin, Manager Partner, Greenbackers

We here at Greenbackers have been recommending, recording and reviewing video pitches for quite some time now, we’re big believers. It’s an important weapon for deepening investor engagement. There’s a whole industry springing up around this, but we’ve seen some self-made ones that are good too! […]

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Unlocking Scotland’s Climate Tech potential – a peer dialogue

Join Greenbackers Investment Capital for this special by-invitation event as we convene many of Scotland’s key climate players to draw on the power of connectivity and conversation. Open to Cleantech CxOs and Global Scots. Scotland has set ambitious and world leading targets to become net zero by 2045. This transition represents a huge opportunity and equally […]

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Fireside chat with Greenbackers’ Andrew Smith at Decarb Catalyst, London, 21 February

Fireside Chat: Experience of an early adopter and how their learnings will inform the next round of planning and deployment. It is clear to us here at Greenbackers that clean tech innovators and entrepreneurs need much more than capital to progress their service offerings. Finding and engaging with early adopters and industrial partners who are […]

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Greenbackers’ Andrew Smith to moderate panel at Decarb Catalyst, London

Panel: Liberating the trillions of euros of capital – both public and private – to drive decarb momentum.21 February, 2023 In the midst of soaring energy and macro-economic pressures, during this key of the conference agenda looks at what can be done to catalyse decarbonisation in the next couple of years, how early industry adopters […]

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How To

UK EIS & why it STILL matters for UK Climate Tech Start-ups and Scale-ups

[Updated from original post April 2022.] HMRC’s EIS (and SEIS) scheme is a great way for UK based early-stage businesses to attract potential investors and accelerate their growth. For any UK technology business, NOT to have it excludes you from an entire class of early stage invesestors: mainly UK angels, Angel Syndicates and EIS funds. […]

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CALL FOR VENTURES: Investment Pitch during All-Energy on 11 May, Glasgow

Greenbackers Climate Tech Pitch is now open for applications. Greenbackers is seeking and selecting the world’s most investable, early-stage climate tech ventures and helping them secure funding from our base of global climate & cleantech investment funds, during All-Energy and Dcarbonise. Applications are now open for participation in the program. Any climate tech ventures seeking Late Seed, Series A […]

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Greenbackers supporting ORE Catapult and Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London SW1P 3EETuesday 13th December 2022, from 08.45 – 17.30 This exclusive event will bring together senior political and industry leaders, investors and procurement specialists along with over 100 companies which are currently benefitting from ORE Catapult and the OWGP supply chain growth programme. It will shine a spotlight […]

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Press Releases

ep group™ appoints Greenbackers to raise war chest for investment into SMEs delivering sustainable impact at scale

ep group™, based in London, UK, work with governments, NGOs and think tanks at all levels to develop strategies and implement transformative programmes to help navigate the transition to a low carbon future. In the private sector, they work with business of all sizes connecting the dots between energy, climate, technology, and finance. In delivering […]

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